#TITLE=Quest ; Quest ASL Syntax Definition File EditPlus 4 (www.editplus.com) ; Copyright © 2000-2001 Axe Software (www.axeuk.com) ; ASL.SYN v3.0; last updated 15/SEP/2001 ; Tested with EditPlus ; This file is required for EditPlus to run correctly. #DELIMITER=,(){}[]-+*%/ = "'~!&|\ < > ?:;. #QUOTATION1=" #LINECOMMENT=' #LINECOMMENT2= #CASE=n #KEYWORD=Reserved words define game procedure room object character text selection timer function synonyms end ;colours 3 do if got then else has say playwav lose msg not playerlose playerwin ask goto set show give choice choose is setstring displaytext exec pause clear debug enter mailto and or outputoff outputon here playmidi drop helpmsg helpdisplaytext helpclear helpclose setvar for hide show move conceal reveal numeric string collectable property create exit doaction close each in repeat while until timeron timeroff stop panes on off #KEYWORD=Functions and objects asl-version game version author copyright info start prefix look out gender speak take alias alt place east north west south command use hidden script font default fontname fontsize startscript nointro indescription description error beforeturn afterturn invisible nodebug suffix startin northeast northwest southeast southwest items examine detail drop everywhere nowhere on anything article gain properties type action displaytype override enabled disabled variable value display nozero onchange ;preproc !include !addto !asl-version #